
Bruker Manuals

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Bruker Microtof User Manual

Ionization: Desorption ionization (Pos&Neg), Samrtbeam-IITM laser (Nd: YAD)Mass range: Up to 500KDaResolution: 40000 FWHM in Reflectron mode (MS)Experiments: Reflectron and Linear MS (TOF), MS/MS or TOF/TOF (Lift) and PSDApplication: Proteomics (top-down and bottom-up), Polymers, Oligonucleotides and Bio-organic compoundsConcentration: 1picomole/uL for less than 20KDa and 100picomole/uL for more than 20KDa molecular weightsSoftware: Compass/Flex Control and Flex analysis, Bio and Poly Tools and Protein Scape 3.0Manuals:.