Downloads Primesense Nite Win32 Disk
Hi there,First, after trying for many days, i have successfully build thesolution for RGB demo 0.6. Hi,in Visual Studio there are two 'utility' projects: ALLBUILD andZEROCHECK. The first one is just a batch build for all the realprojects in the solution (.sln file). The second one is a call to CMakewhich will check for changes in the project definitions.
You have tochoose one of the other projects e.g. Rgbd-viewer or rgbd-multikinectand right-click it. In the context menu, you can set this project asstartup project. When you now want to start debugging, it will start thecorresponding executable.
Every project in the solution will create anexecutable. Some of them will require some command-line arguments andothers may crash (please report these). A good point to start is thergbd-viewer.You may now encounter a new error that some dll is missing. In thiscase, you have to set your PATH environment variable or copy theappropriate dll files. QT, OpenCV, OpenNI and NITE are possiblecandidates for this error. Come back here if you need additional help onthis topic.I have to add that RGBDemo 0.6 is outdated. You are recommended to useRGBDemo 0.7 because 0.6 doesn't work with some newer external librariesespecially OpenCV 2.3 in combination with PCL 1.4.
You can get it here:greetings,Michaeledwchiong12323.03.12 6:12. 'rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:UsersEdward ChiongDocumentsDownloadsCompressedRGBDemo-0.6.1-SourcebuildbinRelWithDebInforgbd-viewer.exe', Symbols loaded.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32ntdll.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32kernel32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32KernelBase.dll',Symbols loaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:qt4.8.0binQtOpenGL4.dll', Binary wasnot built with debug information.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32opengl32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32msvcrt.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32advapi32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32sechost.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32rpcrt4.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32gdi32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32user32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32lpk.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32usp10.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32glu32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32ddraw.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).'
Openni Viewer
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32dciman32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32setupapi.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32cfgmgr32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32oleaut32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32ole32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32devobj.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32dwmapi.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:altera81quartusbinQtGui4.dll',Binary was not built with debug information.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32comdlg32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32shlwapi.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded '', Symbols loaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32shell32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32imm32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32msctf.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32winmm.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32winspool.drv', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:altera81quartusbinQtCore4.dll',Binary was not built with debug information.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32ws232.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32nsi.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32msvcp71.dll', Symbolsloaded.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32msvcr71.dll', Symbolsloaded.The program '7520 rgbd-viewer.exe: Native' has exited with code- (0xc0000139).this is what i get after debug. The RGBD viewer still not working. Theblack window appear and then close.what should i do?Thanks.Michael Reinhardt23.03.12 7:03. Hi Edward,what have you done since your last e-mail?
Do I get you right that thereis no QT error anymore? In order to help you, I still need theinformation, I asked for in the last mail.
Otherwise, it is hardlypossible to track the error down. What happens when you run the realdebug mode (not the release with debug information you are currentlyrunning)? If you wonder how to change this, there is a drop menu in themenu bar having at least two more entries (debug and release). Can youplease run the dependency walker on the executable (C:UsersEdwardChiongDocumentDownloadsCompressedRGBDemo-0.6.1-SourcebuildbinRelWithDebInforgbd-viewer.exe)? The dependency walker can be downloaded here. Use the x86 version if you arecompiling in 32Bit.
The bitness you have to use depends on theapplication NOT the operating system. Are there any warnings or errorsin the analysis result?greetings,Michaeledwchiong12323.03.12 8:04. Thanks for your patience. Actually i just learning microsoft visualstudio recently. So, many things still need to figure out.Sorry forthe inconvenience.For your information, the thing that i done for your first email wasthat i do the following tools -options -debugging-symbols-tick thecheck mark against microsoft symbol server and click ok and debug withthe option start without Debugging.' Hi Edward,ok, that's a bunch of information.
Now, we can get to work.:-D Asyou've correctly assumed, OpenCV is not found. Locate the OpenCVinstallation on your disk and copy the mentioned dll's to yourbuildbinRelWithDebInfo folder. If you want to compilergbdemo as a real release version, you additionally have to copy thesefiles to the buildbinRelease folder. For the real Debugversion things are a bit different. You need the debug libraries ofopencv which have the same names except for an additional 'd' at the ende.g.
Opencvcore231d.dll and copy these to the buildbinDebugfolder. This should fix all your dll-not found messages. The alsomentioned IESHIMS.DLL is nothing, you have to care about.Nevertheless, the error concerning QT from your e-mail may still occur.For clarification:'The procedure entry point??0QPaintEngineEx@@IAE@AAVQPaintEngineExPrivate@@@Z could not be locatedin the dynamic link library QtGui4.dll'I took another look into the log files, you've posted.
Your QT dll's aremessed up, but don't worry, we can fix this. For this, you have toinspect your PATH variable. This is a semicolon separated list ofseveral filesystem paths which are used to look for dll and other stuff.The search starts in the first entry and quit upon first hit.
Somewherein this list, you find 'C:altera81quartusbin'. Put this string atend of the list (don't forget the semicolon) and save this as a new PATHvariable. If you are not familiar with this, you should make a backup ofthe old variable. It is possible to mess up the whole operating system.Explanation: The Altera Quartus software is shipped with its ownqtgui4.dll, which has not the same version as the one rgb-demo wascompiled against. So, the entry points are not the same and the app crashes.To sum up your system configuration:RGBDemo 0.6QT 4.8.0OpenCV 2.3.1OpenNI 1.5.2Visual Studio 2010 UltimateCorrect?greetings,Michaeledwchiong12323.03.12 10:14. Hi Michael,'rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:UsersEdward ChiongDocumentsDownloadsCompressedRGBDemo-0.6.1-SourcebuildbinDebugrgbd-viewer.exe',Symbols loaded.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32ntdll.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32kernel32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32KernelBase.dll',Symbols loaded (source information stripped).'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:qt4.8.0binQtOpenGLd4.dll', Symbolsloaded.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:qt4.8.0binQtGuid4.dll', Symbolsloaded.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32comdlg32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32shlwapi.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded '', Symbols loaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32shell32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32imm32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32msctf.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32winmm.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32winspool.drv', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:qt4.8.0binQtCored4.dll', Symbolsloaded.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32ws232.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32nsi.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32msvcp100d.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32msvcr100d.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:UsersEdward ChiongDocumentsDownloadsCompressedRGBDemo-0.6.1-SourcebuildbinDebugglew.dll', Symbolsloaded.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:UsersEdward ChiongDocumentsDownloadsCompressedRGBDemo-0.6.1-SourcebuildbinDebugopencvcalib3d231d.dll', Symbols loaded.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:UsersEdward ChiongDocumentsDownloadsCompressedRGBDemo-0.6.1-SourcebuildbinDebugopencvcore231d.dll',Symbols loaded.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:UsersEdward ChiongDocumentsDownloadsCompressedRGBDemo-0.6.1-SourcebuildbinDebugopencvimgproc231d.dll', Symbols loaded.'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:UsersEdward ChiongDocumentsDownloadsCompressedRGBDemo-0.6.1-SourcebuildbinDebugopencvfeatures2d231d.dll', Symbols loaded.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:UsersEdward ChiongDocumentsDownloadsCompressedRGBDemo-0.6.1-SourcebuildbinDebugopencvhighgui231d.dll', Symbols loaded.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32avifil32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32msacm32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32msvfw32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32avicap32.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32version.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:UsersEdward ChiongDocumentsDownloadsCompressedRGBDemo-0.6.1-SourcebuildbinDebugopencvflann231d.dll', Symbols loaded.' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:Program FilesOpenNIBinOpenNI.dll',Cannot find or open the PDB file'rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:Windowswinsxsx86microsoft.vc90.crt1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b9.0.none50934f2ebcb7eb57msvcr90.dll',Symbols loaded (source information stripped).'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:Program FilesPrimeSenseNITEBinXnVNITE152.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file'rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:Windowswinsxsx86microsoft.vc90.crt1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b9.0.none50934f2ebcb7eb57msvcp90.dll',Symbols loaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32apphelp.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsAppPatchAcLayers.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).'
Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32sspicli.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32userenv.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32profapi.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32mpr.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32cryptbase.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).' Rgbd-viewer.exe': Loaded 'C:WindowsSystem32uxtheme.dll', Symbolsloaded (source information stripped).'
Hi,well, this error is nasty. Normally, this should not happen. Which version of the dependency walker have you used?
X86 or x8664? Is there no error like this one: 'Error: Modules with different CPU types were found.' ?Regarding your log file, the dll's from OpenNI, Nite and SensorKinect are 64Bit and not 32Bit. All these dll's are loaded from 'Program Files' folder which is exclusively for 64Bit application. Because the default build architecture for RGBDemo is 32Bit, this might be the reason for your error. Have you installed the dev version instead of the redist version for the mentioned programs?
(Only if there is such a distinction.)The warning occurs because of the IEHIMS.dll. This should not be an issue.Greetings,Michaelmkter26.03.12 1:50.
It was on mid 2010, I just entered college, I know there is a new human-computer interaction device will come in to the market. At that time, I was following a professor/lecturer from Carnegie Mellon University named Johny Chung Lee and his Wii Projects. I had the joy working with Wii, doing his DIY tutorial and present it on a class afterwards. That leads me to read his blog, and he was talking about “Project Natal XBOX360”.I thought it was just a rebranding program of XBOX.
Then I realized he is no ordinary man, but a Human Computer Interaction expert from CMU. That was the first time I got amazed by a KinectOn mid 2013 when I was on my internship, my supervisor gave me a project using Kinect for Windows. I need to create head detection algorithm using Kinect depth image.OK, that was my experience with Kinect, so here it goes the real deal: How to prepare your PC to be able to work with Kinect. Basically it’s:Hardware:. Kinect Sensor ($100)Kinect original.
Adapter and Power supply ($10) to connect the Kinect to your PC using USB port (Kinect’s USB port is different though)Kinect USB & Power AdapterOr you can use Kinect for Windows but it will be a lot pricier than that (around $200+) Kinect for WindowsSoftware:So you might be wondering what’s the difference about Primesense (you might have heard of it), OpenNI, Kinect SDK, NITE, OpenCV etc. Here is the explanation:.
Kinect SDK: Standard development kit developed by windows. Highly compatible if you are using Kinect for Windows (that $200+ device). Windows said that they make this SDK for Kinect for windows, but you actually still could use it for standard Kinect. OpenNI: OpenNI is a free SDK developed by a company named PrimeSense.
This SDK supports Kinect & Kinect for windows, also a Kinect-like camera developed by Asus named Xtion. The big deal is most of the developer and tutorials outside there are using OpenNI. My suggestion is keep sticking with it. PrimeSense: an Israeli company in human computer interaction. OpenNI is the main product, but the bad news is it was acquired by Apple Computer on November 2013. The good news is the open source will never die!
An organization called provides new version of OpenNI. NITE: a library of Kinect if you want to use body gesture. OpenCV: Free image processing library for C and PythonSo, this time we will install the basic here: OpenNI, Sensor Kinect, OpenNI Modules, and NITEOpenNIThe bad news is the creator of OpenNI, PrimeSense was bought by Apple on last quarter of 2013, so they don’t provide the OpenNI service anymore. Worry not, there is another organization taking care of OpenNI.
You can download OpenNI 2 in or you can download OpenNI version 1 which I am using (32 bit Windows), through my dropbox link inSensorKinectGo to, download the zip file and extract it. Navigate to the Binfolder, find SensorKinect093-Bin-Win32-v5.1.2.1.msi and install itSample ProgramDownload atTesting InstallationUse OpenNISamplesBinRelease and openNIViewer, here is the output:That’s all guys, meet me on the Q&A!